Monday, 9 September 2019


Still in 1 Peter 3: according to apostle Peter we should be:
  • All of one mind
  • Compassionate
  • Loving
  • Pitiful
  • Courteous
  • Blessing not railing against
  • Always speaking without guile
  • Going out of my way to avoid evil

Why?? Again, that our prayers be heard by our Lord who is always watching.

Of course all Christians behave like this, even on social media!  Don’t they??

No need to be afraid of the terror of persecution, but.... there is a right place for fear...

“Be always ready to give an answer (Gk: apologia) to every man that asks you for the reason for the hope in you – with meekness and fear.”

Who do we really need to have a healthy fear of?    
Almighty God.  
Yes, even when we feel like arguing on Facebook!