We arrive at
the climax of Jesus’ ministry to Israel in chapter 6, so let’s see how Mark
presents this wonderful Man of action, even skipping meals...
- Jesus heads back to hometown Nazareth, to teach in their synagogue - again! (Last time they tried to kill Him but He has His disciples with Him this time)
- He takes a well-earned holiday? No, He teaches in surrounding villages, while ‘the twelve’ do the same - even with the power to cast out demons! We’re playing for keeps here folks...judgment day awaits those who reject even those Jesus sends!
- John the Baptist has met a gruesome end, thanks to Herod outwitted by his women
- Jesus and His disciples seek retreat from the crowds, only to be swamped by hungry thousands
- Jesus walks on water to calm a storm for His disciples, on the way to yet another healing visit

Notice what
the disciples miss... Scraps from 5 fishburgers fill 12 baskets after the feeding
of 5000 men, plus women and kids: 12 is the special number for Israel.
Does anyone -
anyone at all - recognise the Son of God for who He is?
- the locals in Nazareth are astonished but offended (Gk:skandalizo – tripped up!)
- king Herod is afraid, thinking Jesus is John risen again
- the people desperately seek His healing hands
- the disciples tell Jesus what to do and are amazed but hard-hearted
So Jesus gets
angry? No, He marvels at unbelief but is also moved with compassion...
“Be of good cheer...it
is I, be not afraid”
Would you
have recognised Jesus as Son of God?