Saturday, 18 July 2020


This is the 3rd day that Jesus enters Jerusalem and the tension couldn’t be higher!                                                    
Two days ago He was acclaimed as Son of David, but then yesterday he upended temple trade for thousands.              
How will Jerusalem receive Him today?  (Mark 11)                                                                                                              

On the way, Peter remarks that the fig-tree has shrivelled, so Jesus answers:
“Have faith in God.”
What had they seen only yesterday?... thousands of people with faith in tradition and money.
Notice the responsibility Jesus then puts on his disciples: to forgive others.

However the chief priests, scribes and elders are not so forgiving...
“Who gave you this authority to do these things?”
The Lord who commanded the fig-tree to shrivel replies:                  
“Neither do I tell you by what authority I do these things.”
He is the temple of God.