Friday, 27 August 2021


The Roman Army has flogged this Man so mercilessly he is unable to carry his own cross beam. After refusing a stupefying concoction they strip him naked then crucify him between two thieves. (Mark 15) The chief priests mock Him as ‘Christ the King of Israel’.

Who is He really?

Suddenly at midday – darkness!...for 3 hours!

Who really is it that they have crucified and the Jewish priests have mocked in derision? They are about to find out as this crucified Man cries out with a loud voice - twice - then gives up the ghost.            

The Roman centurion is forced to admit: “Truly this man was Son of God” – exactly how Mark presented Him to us in the very beginning!

What is the undeniable witness to those Priests??                           
The thick veil in the temple rips in half from top to bottom.

Jew and Gentile are now forced to see they have crucified the Son of God.  Why did he come?                                                                                       

“To give his life a ransom for many” 10:45