Thursday, 1 December 2016


If you had known, since a child, that every morning brings you a day closer to being flogged and crucified in Jerusalem, would you deliberately go there?... or run for your life?

Jesus has raised Lazarus from the dead so now both their lives are threatened.    
Every Jewish man must attend the Passover...and who would miss this one?... Jerusalem is packed with Jews expecting their Messiah to show up, just as Jesus heads back to the ‘scene of the crime’.  Hiding is not for Him!                        
As for poor Laz, he can’t win...
Can he help getting sick or dying or being raised?                                          
Check out our hosts...(John 12:1-11)...                                               
Laz is large as life again... Martha excels at being ‘mine host’...  so where's Mary?

Mary - always at the feet of Jesus
A slave would wash the guest of honour’s feet but here she is anointing Jesus’ feet with spikenard ointment (Indian?) costing maybe a year’s wages!...and now she is lower than a slave - wiping His feet with her hair!...the feet that will carry Him to His death!

“She has kept this for the day of my burial”

Who would believe it?... The Son of God with power over death is facing death Himself and this will prove to be Mary’s only chance to anoint Him for burial.

Would you spend a whole year’s wages on anointing the feet of your guest?...let alone wipe them with your hair! What if your guest was the Son of God?

Judas wouldn’t. Let’s wait and see what he thinks his Master is worth...                                                    



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