After 28
years – it’s time for God to go public...(Matt 3)
This momentous
event deserves an introduction.... but what a strange one!

No worldly trappings for this guy!
Who is he?
Again, never mind. It’s his message thru Isaiah that counts:
“Prepare ye the way of
the Lord, make His paths straight!”
Lord comes from the Hebrew: YHWH: Jehovah!
Make no
mistake – ‘God with us’ is none other than Jehovah and here He is: Jesus
King of the Jews, come to identify with His people in baptism!
Notice how they were ALL
baptised by this rough character, just like their fathers were ALL baptised to
Moses in the sea.
the Jewish Messiah is expected very soon and it’s high time to repent!
The response??
Public honour from heaven of course!
Accept this Man and you will be baptised with the Holy Spirit. Reject
this Man now and you will experience the fire of wrath to come! (orge: violent passion)
Matthew is
the only writer to give us ‘the kingdom of heaven’ ...32
Where did he get this from? Daniel’s prophecy - which even
Nebuchadnezzar understood.
Notice how
Jewish this is!...
A young Yochanan
(John) identifies as ‘the Voice’ in the prophecy of Yesha’yahu (Isaiah) as he introduces Yeshua (Jesus) the King of the Jews - none other than Yehovah and His ‘kingdom of heaven’ in the
prophecy of Dani’el.
Is this Man really qualified for ministry?...NEXT
Is this Man really qualified for ministry?...NEXT
Isaiah 40:3 1 Corinthians 10:2 Malachi 3:1 ; 4:5 2 Kings 1:8 Daniel 2:44 ; 4:34 ; 7:14