Tuesday, 12 September 2017


Matthew hints that Gentiles will get a look in, while Jewish leaders plot to kill Jesus...

What’s so special about this case, Matthew?... Here comes a man - blind, dumb and devil-possessed.  As usual...  ‘Jesus heals him, insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and saw”   ch 12:22-                                                                        
The man looks healed but has Jesus forgotten to deal with that devil?... or is this a sign easily missed?                                                          

The people wonder if Jesus is ‘Son of David – the rightful King, but Pharisees claim His power comes from Beelzebub, prince of devils.                                        
No, this Jesus is ‘greater than the temple...greater than Jonas...greater than Solomon’!       
Here we have good versus evil, Satan versus the Holy Ghost... a spiritual battle alright.                                                                         
Make up your minds, folks!   Yup, “...the kingdom of GOD is come unto you”     
“He that is not with Me is against Me...”                                              

They missed the last sign, so...    
“Master, we would see a sign from thee”            
Okay then...    Just like Jonah, “the Son of Man shall be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth”.        
Afterwards, Jonah preached to who??    
GENTILES... just like the Queen of Sheba who came from afar.

As for Israel, since the Babylonian Captivity she has abandoned idols and is now ‘empty, swept and garnished’.    Soon ‘the last state... shall be worse than the first’!

This is a spiritual battle now... so it’s open to ‘whosoever’ to be Christ’s brethren.                                                                                                                                                                                                             

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