Tuesday, 17 October 2017

"I AM"

Woah! Whatever is happening here? (Matt 14:22- )                                              Jesus has just fed thousands of hungry people with just 5 fishburgers before sending them  on their way.  
Now the real King is praying.  What humility and dependence!

Meanwhile His disciples are trying to row against a Sea of Galilee storm for most of the night, until these grown men cry out in fear, seeing their Master... walking ON the sea!  
Notice what He says...
“Be of good cheer. It is I. Be not afraid”                                              
...in other words: “Take courage, I AM [‘ego eimi’] fear not”

"Why did you doubt?"
What does Matthew remember about this trip?...                                 
Peter lost faith and nearly drowned trying to walk on water but then the ‘I AM’ came aboard to quieten the storm and...                                                       
...all on-board worshipped Jesus as ‘the Son of God’!

This is the only time we hear of Jews collectively prostrating in worship of Jesus as Son of God.
What is the message for the coming storm of the Tribulation detailed in The Revelation?  

“Fear not”

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