Why does Jesus
now wander off to the Mediterranean coast?
Is He
looking for some well-earned R&R? (Matt 15:21-28)
Here comes the highlight of his visit, in fact...
This is a turning point!....just watch who He meets there...
Here comes the highlight of his visit, in fact...
This is a turning point!....just watch who He meets there...
The mother of a Canaanitish
demon-possessed girl.
Who could
possibly be more unlikely to benefit from the Messiah’s visit than these
females, in an area once settled by Canaan’s descendants who are despised by
Jews as cursed!
are at the bottom of the barrel – the dregs of human society.
As a Jew, He sees her
as nothing but a puppy dog (Gk: kunarion)
looking for crumbs off the table and dismisses her with:
“I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel”
“I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel”
She then
does what no Jew had done...
...came and worshipped Him saying: “Lord, help me”
...came and worshipped Him saying: “Lord, help me”
Would you beg
in worship at the feet of this Jew?
Deuteronomy 20:17 Mark 7:24-30 Genesis 9:25 Zechariah 14:21