Just what is
happening here?
The Jewish Messiah, the King they have waited 600 years for, has arrived
at His city Jerusalem only to be confronted at God’s temple by the elders who
would dearly love... to crown Him?...no, to arrest Him!
has already warned them with 2 parables so now He spells out His warning even
clearer – God’s Kingdom is ready, just like a wedding. You murderers are going
to be destroyed, your city burned and outsiders are going to be welcomed - so
long as they wear that wedding garment (Christ).
Do they
repent? No, they try desperately to entangle Him with words instead! (Matt 22)
- Sadducees challenge Jesus over resurrection - that they don’t even believe in!
- Pharisees not to be outdone, wheel in their top attorney...
So who really is this Messiah who the children hail as ‘Son of David’?
To silence everyone all Jesus does is quote the climactic Psalm
110: “The
Lord said unto my Lord...”
Yes, the Messiah,
Son of David,...is LORD!
Psalm 110:1 Exodus 3:6