Here they
come! ...a great multitude armed to the teeth, to arrest the Messiah who has
done nothing but teach and heal. (Matt 26:47-56)
Notice what
everyone - except Jesus - is doing with their hands....
So many hold swords and staves, and after they seize Jesus, one of the
disciples even wacks off the ear of a servant to the high priest!
had promised them he would betray his Master with a kiss (Gk:phileo) but when
the time came, he chose to kiss Jesus profusely! (Gk:kataphileo)
How does
Jesus respond? With 72,000 angels?
No, with His voice
as He reminds them twice that everything happening is fulfilling prophecy –
God’s Word will always prevail.
Which prophecies?
- “Yes, my own familiar friend in whom I trusted, who ate of my bread, has lifted up his heel against me” What a kick in the guts that smooch is!
- ‘He was numbered with the transgressors’ The disciples weren’t supposed to be carrying swords but it gave the band an excuse to arrest Jesus.

- ‘ALL the disciples forsook Him and fled’ ...just as Zechariah prophesied 550 years before.
& alone, Jesus now faces trial by Jew & Gentile...NEXT
Psalm 41:9 Isaiah 53:12 Luke 22:36-38