Thursday, 24 January 2019


Try apostle Paul’s letter to the Philippians, with 17 appeals to be joyful!                                                              

“Paul, you’re writing under imprisonment in Rome, so whatever is there to be joyful about?”                  
Philippi is where the good news of Jesus Christ first reached Europe with a bang...   Remember the jailhouse singing at midnight, until earthquake struck?   
The gospel has now reached the seat of military power – the Roman praetorium, and even Caesar’s household.  Wow!

Is this just a letter about ‘the joy of faith’ though?  No way! 
Looking at the first 2 chapters let’s see what else we can find....
  • Notice how Paul and Timothy regard themselves as slaves then address all, including the bishops (episkopos) and deacons – one man is not in control of the church like today.
  • Paul very clearly does not believe in ‘soul sleep’ – his desire was to depart and ‘be with Christ’.
  • We find two appeals to be of ‘one mind’ - that of humility seen in Jesus.
  • All the way to the Day of Jesus Christ we are to be shining lights in the world and expect to suffer for His name’s sake.
  • Paul gives us the profound ‘kenosis’ on how Jesus as God humbled (‘kenoo’) Himself as a slave, to face the death of the cross. 

NEXT..... Rejoice in the Lord always!  

Wednesday, 9 January 2019


Finally we reach the end of Matthew’s account... and he doesn’t disappoint!
Remember that Man facing crucifixion with ALL stacked against Him? Not only do we find Jesus the Messiah still in control but we see who He really is – God to be worshipped!  Alas some disciples still have doubts after Jesus had promised 3 times to rise from the dead.

Yes, Jesus Christ is not only omniscient (all-knowing in the fulfilment of prophecy) but now we see...
  • “ALL power is given to Me in heaven and in earth” (omnipotent - all powerful) and...
  • “with you ALWAYS, even to the end of the world”  (omnipresent)

Notice where Matthew leaves the rejected Messiah - in Galilee, waiting for His people Israel to accept Him.

In the meantime, where does that leave us?

"I baptise you in the Name..."
  • Get going guys!...
  • “teach ALL nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”  ...and here’s the bit that gets overlooked...
  • "Teaching them to observe ALL things whatsoever I have commanded you”
    Yes, there’s to be some discipline too!