“Paul, you’re
writing under imprisonment in Rome, so whatever is there to be joyful about?”

The gospel has
now reached the seat of military power – the Roman praetorium, and even
Caesar’s household. Wow!
Is this just
a letter about ‘the joy of faith’ though?
No way!
Looking at the first 2 chapters let’s see what else we can find....
Looking at the first 2 chapters let’s see what else we can find....
- Notice how Paul and Timothy regard themselves as slaves then address all, including the bishops (episkopos) and deacons – one man is not in control of the church like today.
- Paul very clearly does not believe in ‘soul sleep’ – his desire was to depart and ‘be with Christ’.
- We find two appeals to be of ‘one mind’ - that of humility seen in Jesus.
- All the way to the Day of Jesus Christ we are to be shining lights in the world and expect to suffer for His name’s sake.
- Paul gives us the profound ‘kenosis’ on how Jesus as God humbled (‘kenoo’) Himself as a slave, to face the death of the cross.
Rejoice in the Lord always!
Acts 16:12-