Saturday 9 February 2019


This letter from apostle Paul to Philippi is full of joy in the Lord - in fact...

“Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say: Rejoice!”

Yup, Jesus Christ is our joy, our focus, our boast, our faith, our righteousness, our calling, our transformation....                                                                                                                  
Is that all?  No way!...we get much more about our minds. Even Euodias and Syntyche may be giving each other a piece of their mind, not seeing eye-to-eye about something.

So what are our minds meant to focus on? Earthly things?
How about whatsoever things are: true, honest, just, pure, lovely, good report, virtuous, praise-worthy. That doesn’t seem to leave room for the world’s entertainment, let alone its pornography. 

Are there any warnings?  You bet there are!          
Beware of those evil workers and those earthly-minded ‘christians’.                    
Where is our citizenship? Heaven!

So what is the goal in all this?
To know Christ – the power of His resurrection, the fellowship of His sufferings, as conformed to His death.

"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen"

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