Saturday 20 April 2019


Apostle Paul’s team is writing to the new believers in Thessalonica about the coming (parousia) of the Lord Jesus Christ and they have just been given the stunning promise of the Rapture (harpazo) when all will be caught up to be with Christ forever.                                                         
When will this happen though? Let’s check 1 Thessalonians 5...
  • The Day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night – no warning! After checking with Old Testament prophecy we notice that this is not just one day but an era when God finally shows His hand in fearsome judgment followed by overwhelming blessing on Israel and the rest of the world.
  • It will begin when relative ‘peace & safety’ seems to be achieved
  • In the meantime believers need to be sober and protected by faith, love and hope

Okay, the rapture will happen...but when??                                                                               
Paul offers comfort three times and we also read: “God has not appointed us to wrath but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ” – which tells us we will not suffer God’s wrath, but...                                                       
Will God somehow protect us?... or take us out of here first?

Yes, Jesus Christ is coming (parousia), those ‘asleep in Jesus’ will not miss out, and we will all be with Him forever... but when??                                                               
It might be obvious to you Paul, but so far it’s not obvious to us from your letter.  Maybe you are going to have to write them another letter!                                          
NEXT: That 2nd letter to Thessalonica!

Meantime, can we just sit back and wait?  No way!        
Warn, comfort, support, be patient, do good, rejoice, pray, be thankful, quench not the Spirit, prove all things, abstain from even the appearance of evil....  

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