Before we open those letters written by Simon Peter,
let’s take a look at this guy. Just how well do we know him?...

Have you ever heard that things happen in
Well they sure
did for Simon Peter!
- He scored 3 names: Simon (Greek form of Simeon) Peter (Gk: ‘a stone’) and Cephas (Aramaic: ‘a stone’)
- He made 3 vital statements: - “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God” - Attests apostle Paul’s writings are Holy Scripture - “We believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, we shall be saved even as they (Gentiles)”
- One of 3 disciples who saw Jesus transfigured and talking with Moses & Elijah
- He witnessed Jesus raising 3 people from the dead
- He witnessed 3 miracles on the Sea of Galilee: - Jesus walking on water - Jesus rebuking a storm - the fastest boat ride in all of history
- He had 3 things to say to Jesus over having his feet washed
- He had 3 scary brushes with Satan: - rebuked by the Lord: “Get behind me Satan…” - warned that Satan wanted to ‘sift him as wheat’ - witnessed Satan entering Judas Iscariote
- He let fly with 3 statements he would later regret: - “I will lay down my life for your sake” - “Although all shall be offended, I will not - “I will not deny you”
- One of 3 disciples who witnessed the Lord’s agony in Garden of Gethsemane - then went to sleep
- He denied Jesus 3 times – cursing, swearing & lying, just as Jesus predicted
- He experienced his 3 most successful fishing ventures - directed by the Lord: - filled 2 boats so full they began to sink - the first fish of the day caught had money in its mouth! - after leading his mates back to fishing, caught 153 huge fish
- The Lord questioned him 3 times whether he loved Him,
then warned him of a martyr’s death
- He was arrested 3 times, beaten once
- Gentiles presented a huge problem for him after seeing a vision then being summonsed by Cornelius the centurion in Caesarea… - Censured by Jewish Christians for eating with Gentiles - Withstood to the face by Paul for compelling Gentiles to obey Jewish laws - Settled for being ‘apostle of the circumcision’
- He did 3 bold things with John: - healed a lame man at the temple, in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarean - visited believers in Samaria - told the Jewish elders: “There is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved” – Jesus Christ of Nazareth
- Given the keys of the kingdom, so he… - was first to address the assembly and the public gathering afterwards - opened the door to 3000 Jews and then Gentiles - hosted Saul/Paul for 15 days in Jerusalem
- He witnessed all 3 momentous events: - Christ’s death & resurrection - Christ’s ascension - the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost
- He learnt at least 3 important lessons: - “How often should I forgive my brother?” - as one of 12 he will sit on a throne judging 12 tribes of Israel - lying to the Holy Spirit is more dangerous than Peter’s sword – Ananias & Sapphira dropped dead