Saturday 15 June 2019


How did Paul end this 2nd letter to Thessalonica? ...or more to the point, how can we wrap up this letter?

There’s plenty of encouragement, comfort, consolation, hope, grace, love, patience, peace.....                             
There’s also warning to those who choose to be lazy busy-bodies: “Get to work and eat your own bread!”                                                                      
Notice that there’s no warning about not worshipping the antichrist or taking his mark.

Notice also that 4 times Paul speaks of his commands and twice he mentions ‘traditions’.                                  
May be these are just Paul’s opinions?... or he’s just speaking of culture?                                                                         
Oh no...                                                 
These are commands (Gk paraggello: transmitted message) with supreme authority....

“in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” 

Even ‘the traditions’ carry the same authority...               
The Greek word ‘paradosis’ means: transmission of ordinance.

We’d better pay attention, hey.

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