Saturday 9 November 2019


It’s time for Peter to wrap up his first letter: suffering now will be followed by eternal glory.                                       
So what is called for in the meantime?
“Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God...”

Hang on a minute....                                     
Who has Peter just been addressing?  
The church hierarchy?   
The ‘Executive Pastor’?         

No, it is the ELDERS of the church that are meant to be feeding the flock and overseeing it – not under you and not for ‘filthy lucre’ either!

What else does he have to say to the elders? 

“Neither as being lords over God’s heritage...”                                 

Well guess what....                                            
‘Heritage’ comes from the Greek word ‘klerios’ which became ‘clergie’ in French, then ‘clergy’ in English.            

Rather than accept the biblical governance of elders, the clergy have presumed to be God’s heritage!

Are we trying to say that all pastors are greedy for money?                             
Certainly not, but we sure seem to have not taken Peter seriously on this, who was “a witness of the sufferings of Christ”.

Do you think maybe it’s time for all of us to be ‘clothed with humility’?

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