We open
Mark’s gospel where the Roman Empire is watching out for this long-promised
Jewish Messiah to appear - in fact, God has promised to come Himself!
Let’s watch
closely too...

Don’t miss the fast pace
of events – Mark will use ‘euthos’
some 36 times for immediate results, beginning with... heaven cannot resist suddenly
splitting open (schizo) to endorse
this Man publicly:
art my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased"
...then the Spirit drives Him into the
wilderness to be tested by Satan for 40 days!
Instead of
heading to Jerusalem to be crowned King, this Messiah is acting like the
Servant with urgent work to do - He goes preaching in despised Galilee!
authority is undeniable though - it cannot be hidden. Unlike typical disciples
who choose which rabbi they will follow, fishermen walk from their businesses
to obey Jesus’ call, Jews in the synagogue are amazed at His teaching, demons
are forced to recognize Him as ‘the Holy One of God’...
Okay He
takes the hand of Simon’s mother-in-law to heal her fever, but just how
hands-on will this Servant be? Would He
dare touch a leper?

‘as soon as He had spoken’
Of course!
Isaiah 35:4 ; 40:3 ; 42:1 ; 49:1-7 Malachi 3:1