Wednesday 8 January 2020


We find Jesus back in the Capernaum synagogue on the Sabbath day (Mark 3) where He heals a man’s withered hand – again just with His voice!  

“Stretch out your hand!”               

Watch how people react to Jesus...
  • Straightaway the Pharisees plot with Herodians to kill Him – Herod being a blood-thirst king
  • Crowds arrive to see and hear Him
  • His friends say He is out of His mind
  • Jewish scribes: “He has Beelzebub”  (‘Lord of flies’: what an insult!)
  • Family arrive to distract Him

Notice though that it is only unclean spirits that recognise who He really is – the Son of God.                                                                                                                          
Now watch Him move away...                             
Having left the Jews in their synagogue for the last time He heads to the sea shore to serve the mixed crowds, and then distances Himself even further into a small ship. 
Next He calls His followers up a mountain to appoint 12, but even one of them will end up betraying Him: 
Judas Iscariote.                                 

Whoever can Jesus trust?

“Whosoever shall do the will of God”

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