closely as we come to the climax of Jesus’ ministry in Galilee – the pace is
breath-taking in Mark 8!
Over 5000
Jews have recently been fed bountifully with just 5 fishburgers, the scraps
filling 12 SMALL baskets (kophinos).
No, this time Jesus feeds 4000 people with just
7 fishburgers, the scraps filling 7 LARGE picnic hampers! (spuris)...God’s
favourite number is 7!
Pharisees want a sign from heaven? – you guys have it right there. In the face of such plentiful divine
provision even the disciples miss it, fretting over their one loaf of bread and
exasperating Jesus who upbraids them.

will be nothing more for Galilee.
So who is
this Servant of God, called Jesus?
The Christ who must face death... but Satan is
right there to use Peter in rebuking him!
This is
the first time the disciples learn this and that the Son of Man will be raised after three days.
Will you deny yourself,
take up your cross and follow Him?
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