Saturday 16 May 2020


Looking for Jesus’ mission statement? Of the 4 gospel writers it is John Mark, once the runaway servant, who gets to share this with us...

“For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many.”  Mark 10:45

Jesus is heading for Jerusalem and people are still flocking to hear Him and have their children blessed by Him. 
What about those more responsible?
  • Pharisees are still trying to trap Him, this time over divorce (and so risking His neck with Herod, like John the Baptist)
  • Disciples have learnt nothing from Jesus over children – the victims of divorce! Instead they block children while still hoping for honour.
  • A rich man has done everything right in the sight of man and now wants eternal life. Why? He wants to keep enjoying his possessions rather than be right with Good God who is in front of him!

Yes... “with men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible”

The journey must go on. While the disciples follow afraid, the only one who gets to stop Jesus now is a blind man!

“Son of David, have mercy on me!”

Bart went his way with new eyesight?                      

No, he follows Jesus in the way – and what is Jesus’ ultimate goal?  

For the 4th time He reminds us...rising from the dead.

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