Sunday, 28 June 2020


No, this isn’t Jesus Christ cursing the fig-tree, it’s my old frienGordon showing me his dormant tree in winter, or almost – there were 2 leaves!

IMark 11, Jesus has come past Bethpage (‘House of figs’) only to find a fruitless fig-tree – the only living thing He cursed, on His way to the city where He himself will soon be hung on a tree as a curse.                                                                  

Those disciples would know the fig-tree as a symbol of peace and prosperity, and remember that prophet Hosea spoke of the Fathers as ‘the first-ripe in the fig-tree’.  No, it was not unreasonable to expect at least one fig at that time of the year, so this was clearly a sign meant for Israel.

What will Jesus find when He reaches the city?                         Will he find prayer?... or profit?

Imagine the upheaval for thousands of visitors as He shouts:

“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations but you have made it a robber’s den!

...while birds, lambs and money scatter in all directions.

Remember Adam and Eve sowed fig leaves together for aprons?      

Well Israel as a dead fig-tree has been exposed as worse than fruitless!

Where is your interest? In prayer, or in profit?

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