Friday 23 October 2020


Every day for 3 days, Jesus has visited this magnificent temple where His authority is rejected by chief priests, scribes, Pharisees, Herodians, Sadducees... plenty of time for them to accept His authority. (Mark 12:38-44)

Jesus condemns the scribes for taking care how people see them and for defrauding widows.  Before leaving the temple forever He has one last thing to do – sit and watch how much people give to the treasury.                                

Who alone has the right to watch what we give towards the service of God?                                                                                                        

Only God - audience of One - so Jesus watches the rich and the poor, even a widow who is giving... all of her living!

We are soon going to see how Jesus gives...whether He casts in all that He has, even all of His living! 

How is YOUR giving towards God?

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