Friday 11 December 2020


“What I say to you, I say to all: WATCH!”

Watch what?  Okay there was that strange ‘Abomination of Desolation’ that is meant to be a trigger to flee Judaea - goodness knows why.

Apparently one generation is going to see all of this – EVERYTHING!   

So what else will there be to see? (Mark 13:24-37)

  • The heavens will be shaken; the sun and moon darkened
  • The Son of man will come in power and glory
  • The angels will gather the elect from every corner of heaven and earth.   Notice that the angels gather (Gk:episunagoge) and it is a universal gathering from earth AND from heaven. No, this is not the Rapture of the Church caught up (harpazo) in a   split-second at the shout of Christ himself.
  • And there’s one more!...                                                                 
Yesterday Jesus cursed a fig-tree and it completely shrivelled. Today He is predicting the ‘fig-tree’ will one day grow leaves again.  These disciples know this speaks of Israel but they will not live to see Israel revive in 1948 - after 1878 years!

No matter what – we must... W A T C H !!

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