Sunday 14 February 2021


Suddenly it’s ‘crunch time’: the betrayal of Jesus in Mark 14:43-54.

Run for it guys!
Notice the detail given by John Mark’s account: the Lord’s disappointment, His agony and His sorrow in prayer. Mark will soon discreetly reveal himself in this picture - fleeing naked in panic!

Let’s try to immerse ourselves in the tension here...                       

All of these Jews - yes, every single one of them - have just enjoyed the intimacy of this profound Passover feast, foundational to the Jewish faith. Later in the evening it is now an ugly scene of threatening violence with swords and staves!

Why oh why??                                                                                                 

“The scriptures must be fulfilled”             

Yes, God is in control – not religious thugs, even if it might look like it!

Can you recall how Simon Peter has just contradicted his Master?... “Although all shall be offended, yet will not I... If I should die with you , I will not deny you in any way” ...and his mates all said the same.

So what happened?    ‘All forsook Him and fled’.                                                                                                           

Peter follows at a very safe distance and makes himself comfortable at the palace fireside.                                        

Those were brave words Peter but... can you deliver on that?

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