Wednesday 7 April 2021


 Do you remember what Simon Peter proudly claimed?                       

“Even if everyone else is offended, I won’t...                                                                         If I have to die with you, no way will I deny you”

Thru Mark, Peter tells us how he shaped up...                              

While his Master, Jesus, is upstairs telling the truth, Peter is warming himself nicely and repeatedly lying, even cursing and swearing to save his own skin: 

“I don’t know this Man!”                                                              

Even the high priest’s maid knows how to confidently speak the truth!             (Mark 14:66-72) it’s getting a bit hot for Peter so he decides to leave but oh...the rooster is ready to cock-a-doodle yet again - IMMEDIATELY after the 3rd denial, exactly as Jesus predicted!

No wonder Peter wails loudly as he realizes God is in control here after all, not some lying fisherman.

What about me?                                                                                       
Have I ever been ashamed of my Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ?

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