Sunday 26 December 2021


 Do you remember how Mark’s Gospel first opened?                                                

‘The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God’                                

What did Jesus then say about himself? 10:45                                                  

“The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many”  

Finally in Mark 16 we see at least two women who have witnessed Jesus’ death and His burial, and who now venture into the streets before dawn to somehow enter the tomb, hoping to lovingly embalm His body.                                

What courage while the disciples hide in fear!

They are met with the greatest news:                                                                                   

“You seek Jesus of Nazareth who was crucified: he is risen...”

Soon they will see Jesus received up into heaven to sit on the right hand of God!

It’s now crunch-time!                                                                                              

Will you and I believe?

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