Friday, 4 November 2016


So what’s the quickest way to lose your megachurch? 
Just tell them what they need to hear – not what they want to hear…. “Oh that’s just way over the top!...this ‘eat My flesh and drink My blood’” (Jn ch6)                 
The ranks thin even more after hearing: “What if you saw the Son of Man ascend up where He was before?”          
At least Jesus’ disciples are now sure He is that Christ, the Son of the living God… with words of eternal life… but even one of them is a devil!

Surely His brothers will believe??                                                          
They just taunt Him: “Show yourself to the world” (Jn ch7)

So here we go…yet another ‘feast of the Jews’: meant to be a solemn assembly with offerings by fire, ‘a feast of the Lord’.  Well again the Lord turns up, IN PERSON! find everyone has an opinion… ‘He’s a good Man’ ‘He deceives’ ‘He’s never studied’ ‘He has a demon’ ‘This is The Prophet’…’This is the Christ’…                               
What does He do??   Graciously appeals to anyone! believe in Him, offering ‘living water’  (on the 8th day when healing water from Siloam is not offered at the temple).

 "No Man ever spoke like this Man!”
The Pharisees are just as ignorant as the people and scorn Nicodemus’ appeal to fairness.
(Jesus was born in Bethlehem as prophesied and prophets did come from Galilee: Elijah, Jonah, Nahum… )

What’s the big problem??     Jesus’ authority.
“I AM from Him and He has sent Me”  Could God manifested Himself in flesh?   

Finally, everyone  goes off home…leaving Jesus to go home alone?                      
No, Jesus leaves the city... to spend the night HATED and ALONE.

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