Friday, 11 November 2016

So who ARE you?

Notice all those contrasts in John ch8!...
  • Last night… everybody home  / Jesus alone on the Mount of Olives
  • Today… sinners accuse a woman / the sinless One shows grace

  • Ye judge after the flesh… I judge no man

Now things ramp up as Jesus spells it out… (v21)

  • Ye shall die in your sins… I always please the Father

  • Ye are from beneath… I am from above

  • Ye are of this world… I am not of this world

  • the servant of sin / the Son shall make you free

  • I came from God… your father is the devil…

  • …he is a liar… I say the truth

  • I honour my Father… you dishonour Me

They challenge Him with: “Who are you?”…                           
…but He has already told them!... “I AM [he]”                                
(The translators have added ‘he’- not in the original Greek. How many of these ‘I AMs’ are there in John’s gospel?...7 of course!)

They just don’t get it or don’t want to, so here goes…                                       
“Before Abraham was, I AM    

Wow!!  This is just too much…                                   
These Jews have gone from ‘believing’ on Him, to insinuating He was born of fornication, to labelling Him a despised Samaritan, to having a devil, now to finally trying to stone the great I AM who appeared to Moses in the burning bush!



  1. This is so grossly fallacious. All of this "I am" nonsense is based completely on confirmation bias. Jesus was asked HOW OLD HE IS by the Jews. He wasn't asked WHO he is. Example:

    Person 1: "How old are you?"
    Person 2: "Paul"

    Jesus was telling the Jews he existed before Abraham! That's it. It's poor translation and down right erroneous to capitalize the letters "I am". Correct translation would real: "Before Abraham, I existed" or something along those lines - with correct tense. I suggest you all read this blog:

  2. Thanks for comment Scott.
    Precisely! The Jews challenged His age but He claimed: 'ego eimi' which I understand is virtually without tense - 'I exist'. No mere man could claim this(it would look ridiculous on my tombstone!)just as no-one else living then could claim to have pre-existed Abraham. The Jews clearly understood the implication that He was claiming to be Jehovah who appeared to Moses with:"Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyah": I was/I am/I will be. Your: 'Before Abraham, I existed' says it all, as per NWT.
