Monday, 20 February 2017


Notice the difference!... Mary of Magdala runs thru the dark streets with the wonderful news that she has seen Jesus, risen from the dead.                        
Meanwhile the disciples hide away behind closed doors - only to be interrupted by Jesus! (Jn20:19-)                                                                                                   

Does He get mad with them for letting Him down?                                                  
No, He graciously greets them with “Peace!”...3 times!... and breathes on them the Holy Spirit... WOW!... and gives them authority too!                                      
Why? There’s work to be done.

What an uplifting day this is! It’s no ordinary day, that’s for sure.                           
No wonder the apostles will continue to remember Jesus by ‘breaking of bread’ on the first day of the week, the day they were empowered by God Himself.

"Reach here with your finger..."
"My Lord and my God!"
Poor Thomas – eye-witness is not good enough for him – not even his own eyes! He insists on feeling Jesus’ wounds for himself. How gross!

Is eye-witness good enough for you?                                                                                        
Or will you stay ‘apistos’ – faithless?...refusing to believe until you are forced to.

At last John tells us why he wrote, even at his own expense, that we might believe that ‘Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God’ -then we will have ‘life through His Name.’

NEXT: 7 miracles, resurrection from the dead... How about a bonus?

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