Now listen to John as he
watches his Master being crucified as
a criminal by Roman soldiers, outside the city....
(Jn 19:17-30)
(Jn 19:17-30)
Much he doesn’t mention so take note of the detail he does give us about this King of the Jews...
- This King is being crucified stark naked! ...while the soldiers help themselves to His clothes
- This King gets only vinegar to drink
What a
horribly pathetic coronation under a
crown of thorns!...or is it?
- ‘the plowers plowed upon my back’
- ‘they pierced my hands and my feet’
- ‘they part my garments...and cast lots’
- “so must the Son of Man be lifted up”
- “Behold the Lamb of God”
- 'He was numbered with the transgressors’
- ‘reproach of men and despised of the people’
- ‘in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink’
- ‘...shall Messiah be cut off’
Finally, who
is really in control here?...the Roman governor?? Maybe not.
Jesus says: “It is finished” then...
‘bowed His head and gave up the ghost’
do they ‘sacrifice’ Him again every day at Mass?)
NEXT: Surely Rome’s governor and his soldiers have finished
with this King of the Jews? Perhaps
they will unwittingly fulfil more prophecies!
Daniel 9:26 Psalm 22:18 Psalm 69:21 Psalm 129:3 Isaiah 53:12