Finally the
Son of Man has come and sits on His throne of glory with all nations gathered
before him. (Matt 25:31-46)
How will He judge them? Will the nations be judged as a whole or as
The short answer is – I don’t know. Let’s wait and see!

We once ran merino sheep with cashmere goats and the best way to separate them was to force them into a corner – the sheep would escape to one side and the goats to the other. Maybe the nations will have been under so much pressure during the Tribulation that it will be obvious which ones have cared for the faithful Jewish witnesses.
Haven’t we seen
somewhat of a rehearsal of this during the last century?

Germany was torn apart after exterminating 6 million Jews, while nations like U.S.A. have prospered after giving Jews refuge. The British Empire and U.S.S.R. persecuted the Jews and are now just a distant memory.
What we can
be sure of is that the stakes are high:
Eternal life or... eternal punishment! - everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
Eternal life or... eternal punishment! - everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
Yes, hell is
real. This King means business!
Zechariah 14:5 Revelation 20:4-6