Jesus the
Messiah has used ~550 words telling His disciples what’s going to happen in the
End Times...
- Beginning of the end
- Tribulation, then...
- Great Tribulation
- Second Coming
...then another
206 words for those who will live to see these events. The Olivet Discourse
sure seems done and dusted with 756 words in total.
Hang on...there’s more...much more!
(Matt 24:43 – 25:30)
Now Jesus will speak...
over 800 words of warning!

He comes
- the Master of the house
- the Bridegroom, and...
- the Man of business
Maybe we
should be diligent, with lamps trimmed and using those rich talents He has
given us ...WATCHING so closely, as if a thief was about to break in and steal!
Jesus still
hasn’t finished yet... Finally He comes as King. (NEXT)
1 Thessalonians 5