Sunday 2 August 2020


Mark’s gospel contrasts fear with faith: here in ch12 he tells how this young man Jesus fearlessly confronts the chief priests, scribes and elders who have challenged His authority in the temple.                                                                       How? simply telling them a story, then asking one question!

The parable comes from the well-known ‘Jehovah’s vineyard’ in Isaiah 5...

“For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel and the men of Judah His pleasant plant...” 

...and Jesus ends the story with:   

“This is the heir, come, let us kill Him and the inheritance shall be ours.” 

...exactly what these leaders had been trying to do only yesterday!                       

So what was the question?...“Haven’t you read this Scripture...?”       - straight from Psalm 118:22-23

Who have they just rejected? The very ‘corner-stone’ of the true temple!

“This is the Lord’s doing and it is marvellous in our eyes”

BANG! BANG!... He gives them both barrels because it is far from marvellous in their eyes!


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