Thursday, 3 September 2020


1 bride : 7 husbands!


The Jewish leaders are desperate after their failed attempt to trip Jesus up over payment of Roman taxes.                    

Here come the Sadducees with their ridiculous poser: some woman outlives seven husbands, so whose wife is she after resurrection?...that SADDUCEES DON’T EVEN BELIEVE IN!

Is this the best they can come up with?... Mark 12:18-27                                               

Most of the Jewish aristocracy including high priests were Sadducees (Sad you sees!) so their religion was merely a ritual without faith in God of the living, the real God beyond the power of death.

Even their great patriarch Abraham believed in resurrection!...

‘He considered that God is able to raise people even from the dead, from which he also received (Isaac) back as a type’

No wonder Jesus said: “You don’t know the Scriptures or the power of God”

So, do you?

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