Sunday, 25 September 2016

"LOOK! The LAMB of GOD!"

Yesterday, John the Baptist claimed to be the voice for God who was coming... in fact, maybe God had even been standing there among them!                                      
With Israel expecting their Messiah to show up any day, the air must have been electric with excitement.  Have their priests got oil ready to anoint Him with?                                                                                                  

Today, the only one to recognise Him is John the Baptist heaven anoints Jesus - publicly - with the Holy Ghost in the form of a dove! (John 1:29- )                  
Surely John the Baptist will now acclaim Jesus as the Messiah?                          
No - he announces:                                                      
“Behold the Lamb of God!...which taketh away the sin of the world”   
(Not just for the chosen ones!)                                                                                      
The public response??  Zilch!  Everyone knows what happens to sacrificial lambs…an unthinkable end for Israel’s Messiah...You’ve got to be kidding!...Die for the sin of the world??

Next day…                                                            
John tries that again: “Behold the Lamb of God!”                                            

Now there’s a response - from the faithful witness of John, as some of his disciples switch rabbis to follow this ‘Lamb of God’ privately, to then realize He is the Messiah (Christ).                                                                                                                                     

We’ve already been told that Jesus is…
  • The Word
  • God
  • The Light of the world

Now John fades off the scene as next day they realize Jesus is also…
  • the Son of God and...
  • the King of Israel 

7 titles!…. Oh and there’s a bonus for the future:
  • the ‘Son of Man’ – the Universal King of Heaven and Earth! Then the angels will have no need for the ladder in Jacob’s dream, all those years ago.

NEXT: Will Jesus now head for Jerusalem to be crowned King? 

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