Could you
keep up with Jesus and His disciples?
‘Lamb of God’ is on a mission. He has work to do but they
manage to find time for a wedding at Nathanael’s hometown of Cana, then a few
days at Capernaum before heading to Jerusalem. Sacrifice looms.
Jesus’ mother
distances herself from the disgrace but He now distances Himself from natural
what have I to do with thee?”
Mary’s last recorded words direct the honour to Him: “Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.”
When will
His hour come?... after raising Lazarus from the dead, the 7th miracle
in just 10 chapters (John 2 thru 11) Here’s the first miracle - privately in front of
family and friends…

"By the way, Master of Ceremonies…would 150 gallons of wine
be enough, sir?"
What has
happened here?
Jesus has just been publicly endorsed by
heaven in front of crowds of Jews but they failed to honour Him as their
Messiah – yes, Israel is just like a vineyard failure.
He moves quickly to
despised Galilee and meets joyless ritual by manifesting His glory with
miraculous abundant blessing.
Who believed
on Him?...a few disciples.
I'd be thinking... "Well it was a rush to get to the wedding in Cana but that wine was so good!...and plenty of it! Now some R and R by the lake? This is the life!"
NEXT: Jesus comes to His Father's temple
I'd be thinking... "Well it was a rush to get to the wedding in Cana but that wine was so good!...and plenty of it! Now some R and R by the lake? This is the life!"
NEXT: Jesus comes to His Father's temple
John 12:27 ; 21:2 1 John 1:4 Isaiah 5 ; 9:1-