Friday, 23 September 2016


We come to the end of John’s first letter and you can just about hear his very ‘spiritual’ critics scoffing: “Agh, what would this old fisherman know? He just raves on and repeats himself!”                                                
Well at least he would have been able to count 10 fish!

Here are the single-digit prime numbers…

Why are they favourites with God, the Master Mathematician?                                      
They are not easily divided – strong – which is why we have pairs, 3-strand rope, triumvirates, 7 judges in high courts…

So what has John given us in his letter?

·        7 contrasts including belief vs unbelief  (in chapter 5)
·        7 tests for us, including: sound doctrine and…”keep yourselves from idols” (ch 5)
·        7 attributes of God: light, love, truth, righteous, holy, sinless, life
·        5 conflicts: the world vs our fellowship, the Unction vs the antichrist, Son of God vs the devil, Cain vs Abel, God vs the wicked one
·        5 proofs of eternal life: believe on Son of God, love God, love children of God, obey commandments, stop sinning
·        3 enticements of the world: “lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life”
·        3 reasons to hope: Jesus comes! We shall be like Him! We shall see Him!
·        And now he finishes with the Trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost… for good measure:
·        3 witnesses on Earth:
The Spirit, the water (of Jesus’ baptism), and the blood (of Jesus’ crucifixion) - all very public! water
...and by blood!

As for 2…                                                             
…his purpose is in v13 and the key in v11.
You have eternal life in the Son of God -  so keep believing! 

Do you think old John has proved his point?

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