The Lord’s
Passover in Jerusalem… a ‘holy convocation’??
Nah, it’s become just the ‘Jews Passover’ (Jn 2). With the Messiah due to turn up about now, so has everybody else – what a golden opportunity to make lots of money!
Nah, it’s become just the ‘Jews Passover’ (Jn 2). With the Messiah due to turn up about now, so has everybody else – what a golden opportunity to make lots of money!
prophesied: “The Lord whom ye seek shall suddenly come to His temple, even the
messenger of the covenant…”
Well, here He is!... but will they ‘delight’ in Him?
Well, here He is!... but will they ‘delight’ in Him?
what’s Jesus doing making a whip? Look out!... ”Make
not My Father’s house a house of merchandise!” He’s driving everyone out of the temple court
…cattle and sheep running amok… tables upended…money sent flying…people
a riot! Don’t upset the Roman army!
The psalmist
once said: “The zeal of thine house hath eaten Me up” but He’s making out
that God is His Father! The
Jews won’t like that and now He’s claiming: “Destroy this temple and in three
days I will raise it up”!
He know that Herod has been building them this magnificent place for 46 years?...
and it’s still not finished. (not for another 35 years)
What the
disciples won’t realize until later…Jesus’ body IS the temple of God and soon He
WILL raise it up after 3 days – the greatest
sign in all of history!
The Son of
God has come to His temple - no longer filled with the ‘glory of Jehovah’ and
the blood on the mercy seat - only to find it profaned with commerce just like
any other tourist attraction.
wonder He’s angry. Is there anyone He can trust?
NEXT: Nicodemus gets the scoop in secret top level meeting - at night!
NEXT: Nicodemus gets the scoop in secret top level meeting - at night!
Leviticus 23:5 Deuteronomy 16:16-17 Malachi 3:1 Psalm 69:9