Friday, 28 October 2016


Another ‘feast of the Jews’ ahead – another Passover bringing thousands of pilgrims to Jerusalem – but can Jesus cope with big crowds?                     
Rejected and now persecuted, He moves on…but where to?                    
Remember He has just offered DOUBLE WITNESS to God being His Father…   
…John, the Father, the miracles and even the Scriptures from Moses.                     
Well, John has been taken off the scene (and beheaded!) so what now?           
Let’s watch another miracle (in Jn 6) in front of a huge crowd, that even reminds them of Moses!

Tiberias - still there today!

First, Jesus has to cross the Sea of Galilee (‘circle of nations’), which Moses called Sea of Chinnerith (‘harp shape’). The Greeks called it Lake of Gennesaret but don’t forget who’s the boss king around here now - in honour of the Roman Emperor, it’s the Sea of Tiberias - yes, in the 'Promised Land'.

What happens?...  On a mountain, Jesus feeds 5000 men, PLUS women and children, using only poor folks’ food – just 5 fishburgers – in a very public miracle like manna from heaven… with everybody who has come to watch the show enjoying a little bit??   NO!...’as much as they would’.                                                                            
Even 12 handbaskets are FILLED with leftovers - 12 being Israel’s number.

"What are they among so many?"
Wow! What a staggering display of God’s grace towards Israel in this 4th miracle, the only one related by all 4 gospel accounts.             
You want witness?? got it! 

They think to make Jesus their king but hang on…that would be high treason against Emperor Tiberius!       
Anyway, is Jesus just another king? What about a burger king?                           
No, it’s time for the Son of God to move off - alone.

"What's your next stunt?"

1 comment:

  1. Numbers 34:11 Deuteronomy 18:15 & 18 Joshua 12:3 ; 13:27 Psalm 132:15
