Friday, 14 October 2016


Are we in for another momentous event in John ch4?                                                         
The Messiah has shown up, announced as the ‘Lamb of God’, but then used a whip to clear the temple court before laying His cards on the table for Nicodemus.                         
Will anyone receive Him as the Messiah now?                                                              

Jesus heads for Galilee… but goes directly thru Samaria!                                             '
Now He stops for a breather… just down the road from where John, the man sent from God, is baptising!                                                                
That’ll give those nosey Pharisees something to talk about.

What’s He think He’s doing?...a Jew asking a Samaritan for a drink!?...and she’s been married 5 times and now living with her boyfriend!  She must be the absolute bottom of society to any self-respecting Jew.

"I that speak unto thee am He"

Today this is the city of Nablus in West Bank...
  • Abraham made his first stop here, nearly 2000 years earlier
  • Israel recited blessings on nearby Mt Gerizim and curses on Mt. Ebal
  • The Samaritans built a temple on Mt. Gerizim
  • Jacob buried the family’s idols under an oak tree here

But there’s some sad history to this place…
  • Jacob’s daughter Dinah was seduced here
  • Her brothers murdered, kidnapped and robbed in reprisal
  • 10 tribes of Israel rebelled here against their king

Ah but here’s the good part!...                                         
This is no ordinary well - a pege or gushing fountain, at least 75ft down, but no match for the living water this Man offers.
Joseph’s dead bones are buried here from Egypt and now there’s the ‘fruitful bough by a well’, just as old Jacob blessed before he died.                           
Jacob had built an altar here, calling it El-Elohe-Isra’el: God the God of Israel - and here He is in person!... revealing Himself as the Messiah.
Where’s Israel? Off the map for 700 years!       
In the very place of Man’s repeated idolatry and failure we see God’s faithfulness.                                                                                                         
The Samaritans receive Him as the Messiah and Saviour of the world – thanks to miracles?                                                      
No, they take Him at His Word.

NEXT: Will Galilee see Jesus as the Messiah?...or just Mr. Miracle Man?

1 comment:

  1. Genesis 12:6 Deuteronomy 11:29 ; ch27 Joshua 8:30-35 Genesis 33:18-20 ; ch34; 35:4 1 Kings 12:25- Joshua 24:32
    Genesis 49:22
