It’s time to
go public… be provocative…
Will Jesus create another riot at the temple in Jerusalem?
Will Jesus create another riot at the temple in Jerusalem?
No, He heads
to the Bethesda pool (‘House of Mercy’) to find five porches filled with ‘impotent
folk’ – poor pathetic people always hoping this will be their lucky day
for an angelic cure. Jesus knows this is an old problem - there’s even a man
who’s been impotent for longer than He has been on Earth!
Watch this 3rd
miracle, in John ch5 – public but not all that obvious….
Jesus: “Do
you want to be healthy?”
”Then get up, PICK UP YOUR MAT, and walk.”
Hang on, doesn’t
Jesus know that the Bible says: “Bear no burden on the Sabbath day”?
Well, what would you rather carry?...
a mat or a load of sin?
We just saw the power of the Son of God's voice over the effects of sin. Now it’s
time to head to the temple.
What’s really
happening here?
Creator’s work was ‘very good’ so He rested on the 7th day and
sanctified it, only to have it damaged by sin and death.
Law-keeping Jews in the ‘Holy City’ are celebrating
feast of the Jews’ which is meant to be a ‘Feast of Jehovah’
but for them God doesn’t really count anymore.
As for the temple... is this where they worship God?... or where they persecute the Son of God for working to heal?
As for the temple... is this where they worship God?... or where they persecute the Son of God for working to heal?
Let’s check
what He has to say about that….NEXT
Genesis 1:31-2:3 Exodus 20:11 Leviticus 23 Jeremiah 17:21