Tuesday, 25 December 2018


Exactly what happened on Resurrection morning? 
The raising of Jesus Christ!                                              
We could try harmonising the gospel accounts, only to get ourselves tied up in knots and miss the whole point...or we could just see what we’re meant to learn from Matthew. (ch 28)

The scene pictures utter defeat. The Lord of the Sabbath has been lying in death - on the Sabbath, His body in a sealed tomb guarded by Roman soldiers. Nothing is happening, until....
...suddenly, on the first day of the week - a 2nd earthquake!
So who arrives to see the sepulchre? Those two despised Jewish women again. 
But where are those disciples? Not here.                
What about those soldiers? They’re like dead men!  
More to the point...But where is Jesus? An angel from heaven tells them:

     “He is risen, as He said!...
He is risen from the dead!”

"He is risen from the dead!"
Now it’s time to GO! GO! GO! and why not?? This is the best news in all of history!       
The angel: “Fear not....Go, tell His disciples...”          
On the way, Jesus says: “Fear not....Go tell my brethren...” (first reference to ‘brethren’)
What mixed emotions for these women, from terror (phobos)  but then great joy (chara), and what a greeting He gave them as they held Him by the feet: “Cheers!” (chairo)                     
In the meantime, how do the Jewish elders react to the news? ...with great joy? No, with lies and money.

Yes, there’s one more GO that we’ll keep for our next post: “Go, teach all nations...”

Monday, 3 December 2018


Yes, He’s dead! (in Matt 27:57-66)                            

The Messiah the Jews have been waiting hundreds of years for, now hangs from nails in a ghastly bloody mess while hardened Roman soldiers cower in fear, saying: 
“Truly this was the Son of God!”

What now? Is this how it’s all meant to end – in utter defeat?  Isn’t there any glimmer of hope?                                  

Yes, one brave man emerges – Joseph of Arimathea – to beg Pontius Pilate for Jesus’ body: a Jew has to beg a Gentile governor for the body of the Messiah!

Jesus had borrowed a manger to be born in, He has borrowed a cross to die naked on, and now He borrows a rich man’s tomb.                 
What did Isaiah say?
“He made His grave with the wicked and with the rich in His death; because He had done no violence, neither was there any deceit in His mouth”
God’s prophetic word wins again!

Notice...only two women attend this funeral, but those chief priests and Pharisees are desperate – telling the Roman governor to secure the tomb of their Messiah!          
He dismisses them with “...make it as sure as you can”

Let’s see if their guard will be good enough...

Sunday, 18 November 2018


Really?? A young man crowned with thorns, nailed up naked between two thieves...outside some remote city of the Roman Empire...  This is the centrepoint of history??
Jesus the carpenter turned rabbi, is rejected by His own people the Jews, mocked and abused by Gentiles, and is now even abandoned by God the Father! (Matt 27:45-56)

Come watch with these faithful women, this miraculous but bloody event...
"Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?"
  • The Jewish Passover is celebrated at Full Moon so a natural solar eclipse for 3 hours is impossible – the horror of darkness in the middle of the day engulfs ALL the land!
  • Twice Jesus cries out with a loud voice – humanly impossible during crucifixion!  Perhaps the Jews thinking Jesus is calling for Elias aren’t so wrong – Elijah means ‘God of Jehovah’    
  • Even brutal Roman soldiers recognise this ‘King of the Jews’ is the SON of GOD, who still in control has ‘given up the ghost’...just as the lamb is offered in the daily sacrifice!
  • The veil in the temple was ripped in two from top to bottom.  How thick was the veil? About 4 inches.   
  • Earth quaked and rocks were rent!
  • Many saints arose (coming into Jerusalem after Jesus resurrection)  

Yes, this crucifixion is exactly as prophesied centuries earlier. 

This has to be the centrepoint of history.

Tuesday, 30 October 2018


So far we have seen...
  • All the disciples dump Jesus                                       
  • ALL elders and priests conspire to put Jesus to death         
  • ALL the people beg for His crucifixion

Now ALL the Roman band gather to strip this innocent Man - after He has been flogged!

Whatever for?                                                     
To give Him a mock coronation with A CROWN OF THORNS, scarlet robe, slapping and spitting. (Matt 27:27-44)
It’s no wonder Jesus was unable to carry his cross all the way... but still he refuses a sedative.

Who is this Man, nailed up between two thieves who also give him ‘a kick in the teeth’?

“This is Jesus, the King of the Jews”

What did that prophecy say?
“They part my garments among them and cast lots upon my vesture”

Yes, Israel’s Messiah is naked under a crown of thorns, nailed up to be mocked by all.

Tuesday, 9 October 2018


Jesus is taken - bound - before Pontius Pilate the governor. Now listen to who says what...

The high priest has ordered: “Tell us whether you are the Christ, the Son of God!”
Jesus answered: “You said it!”

Now from Pontius Pilate: “Are you the King of the Jews?”
Jesus: “You said it!” – then nothing more.

...but from Pilate’s wife: “Have nothing to do with that just man.”                                                                 
It seems God has graciously warned Pilate thru his wife’s dream. (Careful there, Pilate – after all, your wife Claudia Procula is grand-daughter of Caesar Augustus!)

ALL the people: “Let Him be crucified!...His blood be on us and on our children” (Matt 27:11-26)

  • So ALL the disciples dumped Jesus
  • ALL the elders and priests conspired to put Jesus to death
  • ALL the people beg for His crucifixion

Now watch what Pilate does with his hands....
He washes them to pretend he is ‘innocent of the blood of this just person’ then it seems this Roman governor of Judaea personally flogs an innocent man before his soldiers crucify Him.

Saturday, 29 September 2018


ALL the disciples have forsaken Jesus. Now it’s ALL the chief priests and elders who hold counsel - on the Passover Day!  What for?  ‘To put Jesus to death’. (Matt 27:1-10)        
Yup, the sentence of death has been decided first, then false witness sought for a conviction and now let’s make it look nice’n legal, hey.

Meanwhile what’s happened to that trusted friend Judas?
Does he repent? 
Not really – he regrets it, from Greek: ‘metamellomai’...so hangs himself.

Those 30 pieces of silver paid by the priests for innocent blood – what happened to them?                 
Thrown down in God’s house then used to buy the potter’s field for burial of strangers – exactly as prophesied by Zechariah! (in the ‘scroll of Jeremiah’)...

 “they weighed for my price 30 pieces of silver...I took the 30 pieces of silver and cast them to the potter in the house of the Lord”

The Messiah has been condemned to death by His own people and His blood money - at slave price - provides a resting place for Gentiles. Wow!

Where to now?  They hand Jesus over - bound - to the Gentiles to keep everything legal and proper of course!...NEXT

Thursday, 13 September 2018


Did you notice it wasn’t easy to distinguish Jesus among His friends, unless someone betrayed Him?  
Now watch the parting of the ways...  (Matt 26:57-75)    

While Jesus is led to an illegal trial before the Jewish council... ‘Peter followed Him afar off’.

(Apparently Jewish law stipulated no trial should be held at night or during a feast. No execution should be immediate and only after public trial at the temple.)

More to the point, let’s see who tells the truth here...
‘All the council seek false witness against Jesus’    
False witness??  Never mind the 9th Commandment, guys... ‘Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour’ 
What was the charge? There wasn’t one!... so they had to make it up - blasphemy. Jesus had said “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up...” but they claim He said: “I am able to destroy the temple...”  
Yup, false witness just as prophesied.


High Priest: “Tell us whether you are the Christ, the Son of God”                                                 

Jesus: “You said it!”

Cop that!

"I don't know the man!"

Where’s brave Peter who claimed he would even die for Jesus?                                                                   
He has come to ‘see the end’ but will he tell the truth too?
He’s too busy lying 3 times that he doesn’t know Jesus - until the cock crows, just as prophesied!

What now?  It’s Passover, the city is overflowing with visitors, Roman soldiers are on high alert, and now some miracle worker from out of town is falsely accused of ‘blasphemy’...NEXT

Monday, 3 September 2018

BETRAYAL!...just as prophesied

Here they come! ...a great multitude armed to the teeth, to arrest the Messiah who has done nothing but teach and heal. (Matt 26:47-56)
Notice what everyone - except Jesus - is doing with their hands....                                                                               
So many hold swords and staves, and after they seize Jesus, one of the disciples even wacks off the ear of a servant to the high priest!

What was the trigger?  

Judas had promised them he would betray his Master with a kiss (Gk:phileo) but when the time came, he chose to kiss Jesus profusely! (Gk:kataphileo) 

How does Jesus respond?  With 72,000 angels?        
No, with His voice as He reminds them twice that everything happening is fulfilling prophecy – God’s Word will always prevail.

Which prophecies?
  • “Yes, my own familiar friend in whom I trusted, who ate of my bread, has lifted up his heel against me”   What a kick in the guts that smooch is!
  • ‘He was numbered with the transgressors’  The disciples weren’t supposed to be carrying swords but it gave the band an excuse to arrest Jesus.                         
Don’t forget guys...  “All they that take the sword shall perish with the sword”!
Now watch what happens...                 
  • ALL the disciples forsook Him and fled’                                                 ...just as Zechariah prophesied 550 years before.

Betrayed & alone, Jesus now faces trial by Jew & Gentile...NEXT

Thursday, 23 August 2018


Do you remember Jesus’ message to the owner of the Last Supper room?   “My time is at hand...”

Watch how in control Jesus is, how prophecy is fulfilled each step of the way, and how lonely He is... (Matt 26:30-45)

Jesus leads His disciples to the Mount of Olives where He will one day stand as ‘king over all the earth’, but first... there’s the garden of Gethsemane (Greek for oil-press) where He faces the unbearable dread of looming crucifixion.                                                                                     
They have all declared they would rather die than deny Him but Jesus knows better... He is SO ALONE.
“All of you shall be offended because of me this night”

By the way, did you notice all the 3’s?...                         
  • Peter will deny Jesus 3 times before cock-crow.  Now that’s denial!
  • “O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will but as thou wilt”            3 times! That’s fervent prayer.
  • Those privileged 3 disciples are found asleep 3 times. Guys, yeah why not sleep since nothing has happened...yet.   So that’s devotion??

Jesus has arranged the Passover room, chosen the venue for betrayal, and even planned His resurrection to then wait in Galilee. Yes, He is IN CONTROL.

The prophecy??...                 
“I will smite the shepherd and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad.”

So where has the betrayer Judas gone? – that familiar friend who Jesus trusted and who ate of His bread.                 
Let’s see if he has ‘lifted up his heel’ against Jesus. 
Maybe a kick in the guts?......NEXT

Friday, 10 August 2018


Jesus is certainly in control...                                                    
“My time is at hand; I will keep the Passover at your house with my disciples.”                                                      
How could you refuse? (Matt 26:17-30)

Notice that Matthew doesn’t tell us about the foot-washing or Jesus’ comforting words and prayer. They are all present and the focus is on...

“Surely, I’m telling you, one of you shall betray me...Woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed. It would have been good for that man if he had not been born!”
Woah – that is one solemn warning.

The worried disciples all ask: “Is it I, Lord” - except for Judas Iscariote who calls Him ‘Rabbi’ – after taking the privileged sop!


Jesus knows all, so He graciously warns His friend Judas. 
In fact it looks like Judas even stayed for Jesus to give of Himself to comfort them and us...

“Take eat, this is My body”...then: 
“Drink you all of it...this is my blood”

(Did you know?... A  Jewish custom was to take your loaf of bread and skin of wine around to folks to comfort them after a death in the family.)

Yes, Judas is the taker – whatever he can get his hands on - but Jesus is the great Giver, the Giver of Himself.

Sunday, 29 July 2018


Two days before Passover...                                       
The lambs are being scrutinized for defects – are they good enough for all those international visitors?(Matt 26:1-16)   
One visitor is certain of this much... 

“The Son of Man is betrayed to be crucified”                                           

Jesus, with universal authority as Son of Man, faces a Roman execution?? His disciples would think Him mad saying this!

Giving hands
Notice the stark contrasts here...
  • Where are the chief priests, scribes and elders?  In a palace!    Where is Jesus?  In the house of a leper.
  • Caiaphas the high priest leads a plot to kill Jesus - just not at the feast.  A nameless woman comes to honour Jesus.                                                         
  • The ointment for Jesus’ burial is very precious. His disciples claim the poor are more worthy!                                                                               

Greedy hands
Now Judas Iscariote agrees to betray Jesus for 30 lousy pieces of silver – the price of a slave!

Yes, Jesus has deliberately come back to Jerusalem to be crucified like a criminal, He’s just been anointed for burial and now there’s a small price on His head, just as prophesied centuries earlier.                                                                                                          
So, who really is in control here?                                
Will Jesus really be crucified at Passover?

Wednesday, 25 July 2018


Finally the Son of Man has come and sits on His throne of glory with all nations gathered before him.  (Matt 25:31-46)    
How will He judge them? Will the nations be judged as a whole or as individuals?  

The short answer is – I don’t know.  Let’s wait and see!             

We once ran merino sheep with cashmere goats and the best way to separate them was to force them into a corner – the sheep would escape to one side and the goats to the other. Maybe the nations will have been under so much pressure during the Tribulation that it will be obvious which ones have cared for the faithful Jewish witnesses.  

Haven’t we seen somewhat of a rehearsal of this during the last century?                     

Germany was torn apart after exterminating 6 million Jews, while nations like U.S.A. have prospered after giving Jews refuge. The British Empire and U.S.S.R. persecuted the Jews and are now just a distant memory.  

What we can be sure of is that the stakes are high:                
Eternal life or... eternal punishment! - everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
Yes, hell is real. This King means business!

Wednesday, 11 July 2018


Jesus the Messiah has used ~550 words telling His disciples what’s going to happen in the End Times...             
  • Beginning of the end                             
  • Tribulation, then...                                      
  • Great Tribulation                                          
  • Second Coming
...then another 206 words for those who will live to see these events. The Olivet Discourse sure seems done and dusted with 756 words in total.                                             
Hang on...there’s more...much more!  (Matt 24:43 – 25:30)      
Now Jesus will speak... 

over 800 words of warning!

Pay attention guys, to these 3 parables because there’s a day of reckoning coming and the Messiah means business - there’s going to be ‘cutting in two’, weeping, gnashing of teeth, darkness, doors getting slammed shut... even eternal punishment!               
He comes as...                                                       
  • the Master of the house             
  • the Bridegroom, and...                                     
  • the Man of business

Maybe we should be diligent, with lamps trimmed and using those rich talents He has given us ...WATCHING so closely, as if a thief was about to break in and steal!

Jesus still hasn’t finished yet... Finally He comes as King. (NEXT)

Saturday, 23 June 2018


The disciples have asked Jesus:                                    

What will be the sign of your coming?”

Yes, the generation - alive today - that sees Israel revive after 14th May 1948... WILL see a sign that the Messiah is coming.  (Matt 24:36-42)                           

Whatever will it be?

People will be carrying on with their lives – eating, drinking, going to weddings...all of a sudden...some people will disappear!                                                
Yes, it will be very decisive - some will be taken, while others will be left behind.                                                                    

Come aboard!
It is often claimed that those taken away will be headed for judgment but hang on a minute...  
In the example Jesus gave, who was taken away in the ark?...Noah and his family – after being invited by God to come into the ark.                                                                                                  
Who was left behind in the Great Flood?...those for judgment!                                                                                             
Left behind!
(Even the Greek words used support this...                             
‘Taken’ comes from paralambano: to take alongside to oneself; whereas ‘left’ comes from ‘aphiemi’: abandon/forsake)

It will be the disappearance of many people that will alert this generation that Jesus Christ comes soon.                 

“By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house, by the which he condemned the world...”                                                        

If you must fit the Church into Matthew 24, this is where – the miraculous rapture. 
Blink and it’s history!