Sunday, 20 December 2020


Notice how Mark presents Jesus as the Man of action, with so much happening immediately...

“For even the Son of Man came not to be ministered to, but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many”  (10:45)

Now is not the time for action - Jesus just reclines for a meal (Mark 14:1-11)                                     

Watch what happens around Him in this obscure setting...                                                                     
In the home of Simon the leper, in the small village of Bethany, an unnamed woman breaks an alabaster box of spikenard to anoint Jesus’ head...Nardostachys jatamansi probably from Indian honeysuckle!                                                                                                             

Meanwhile the chief priests and scribes plot to have Jesus put to death thru trickery – only when it suits them – not with all the Passover crowds in Jerusalem likely to riot.  How convenient for them that Judas Iscariote, who thinks his master is a waste of this expensive spikenard (worth a year’s wages) agrees to betray Him....when it’s convenient of course.

Time is of the essence here – the alabaster is broken, Jesus’ head is now anointed for burial...                                                                 

Will they pull this off when it suits them?...or will Jesus reclining at table prove to be in ultimate control?

Friday, 11 December 2020


“What I say to you, I say to all: WATCH!”

Watch what?  Okay there was that strange ‘Abomination of Desolation’ that is meant to be a trigger to flee Judaea - goodness knows why.

Apparently one generation is going to see all of this – EVERYTHING!   

So what else will there be to see? (Mark 13:24-37)

  • The heavens will be shaken; the sun and moon darkened
  • The Son of man will come in power and glory
  • The angels will gather the elect from every corner of heaven and earth.   Notice that the angels gather (Gk:episunagoge) and it is a universal gathering from earth AND from heaven. No, this is not the Rapture of the Church caught up (harpazo) in a   split-second at the shout of Christ himself.
  • And there’s one more!...                                                                 
Yesterday Jesus cursed a fig-tree and it completely shrivelled. Today He is predicting the ‘fig-tree’ will one day grow leaves again.  These disciples know this speaks of Israel but they will not live to see Israel revive in 1948 - after 1878 years!

No matter what – we must... W A T C H !!

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

F L E E !!

Suddenly, very suddenly, things will get a lot worse, especially for those in Israel – it’s time to flee to the mountains!                    

Here in Mark 13:14-23, Jesus is sitting with four of His disciples and leaving with them a warning... that He knows will even get written down!                                              

So which period in the future is Jesus referring to?                  

Does He mean the destruction of the temple immediately in front of them?     

  • Nothing as bad will have occurred before, ever since Creation – that includes the Great Flood.  WOAH!
  • Unless the Lord shortens these days no flesh would survive – humanly impossible until nuclear war became a reality in 1945
  • Not only will the threats be military but also spiritual, with false christs and their miracles

So then, what is the trigger?                                                                  
‘Abomination of Desolation’ gets set up ‘where it ought not be’ i.e. ‘the holy place’. Every year since Syrian tyrant Antiochus Epiphanes IV profaned the temple, the Jews have been celebrating its re-dedication in Hanukkah, knowing the warning by Daniel: ‘the daily sacrifice shall be taken away and the abomination that makes desolate set up’.

In other words, the temple MUST be rebuilt sometime after its destruction just predicted by Jesus Christ... AND it must be defiled again. Watch this space!

Just as women and babies suffered terribly at the hand of Antiochus, so will they be at risk from this future profanity.


Don’t stop to ask – just R U N !!

Tuesday, 10 November 2020



Do you remember what Jesus predicted on leaving the temple? (Mark 13)

“There shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down”          

No wonder four disciples follow Him up with questions on the Mount of Olives!...starting with: “WHEN...?”

Notice carefully that Jesus NEVER answers that question of ‘when?’...but proceeds to teach them about what awaits the faithful remnant of Israel.

In fact, there is NO RECORD anywhere in Holy Scripture of the destruction of that 2nd temple which can no longer be seen on Temple Mount!                In other words, there is a far more important series of events in the future...

  • False christs
  • Wars, earthquakes, famines...
  • Arrests & beatings
  • The gospel preached to ALL NATIONS
  • Family betrayals
  • Hatred by ALL MEN

...and these are only the ‘beginning of sorrows’ – just like the onset of childbirth pain. It gets much worse!

NEXT: Time to flee!

Saturday, 31 October 2020


During the rule of the Persian Empire, the angel Gabriel was sent to tell the prophet Daniel that a 2nd temple in Jerusalem (not even built then!)...would later be destroyed by ‘the people of the prince that shall come’ - the mighty Roman Army.

Five centuries later, here in Mark 13 we have the long-awaited Messiah finally leaving that 2nd temple for the last time.  It seems the disciples haven’t been joining the dots - they think Jesus should be admiring the magnificent architecture as He walks out from where the elders have rejected Him. Instead, He predicts

“There shall not be one stone on another that shall not be thrown down.”                                                                                                         

No wonder four of them then chase Him up for answers!

 Did Jesus get that right?

The supporting Western Wall, the only relic left standing today, is mute witness that He did!  

Friday, 23 October 2020


Every day for 3 days, Jesus has visited this magnificent temple where His authority is rejected by chief priests, scribes, Pharisees, Herodians, Sadducees... plenty of time for them to accept His authority. (Mark 12:38-44)

Jesus condemns the scribes for taking care how people see them and for defrauding widows.  Before leaving the temple forever He has one last thing to do – sit and watch how much people give to the treasury.                                

Who alone has the right to watch what we give towards the service of God?                                                                                                        

Only God - audience of One - so Jesus watches the rich and the poor, even a widow who is giving... all of her living!

We are soon going to see how Jesus gives...whether He casts in all that He has, even all of His living! 

How is YOUR giving towards God?

Thursday, 8 October 2020



Notice the authority of this man Jesus!                                 

The disruptor of temple commerce is feared and hated by chief priests and scribes, challenged by Pharisees, Herodians, Sadducees....and now no man dares ask him any more questions! (Mark 12:35-37)

They all know king David’s climactic Psalm 110...

‘The Lord said to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand, until I put your enemies beneath your feet”’

They also know the scribes teach that the coming Messiah will be Son of David.

It’s now Jesus’ turn to ask the questions... 

“David calls him Lord, so how can He be his Son?”

The people are enjoying this but do they know who really is standing right in front of them?

John Mark introduced Him with... 

‘the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God’.

Do YOU agree?

Sunday, 20 September 2020

CLOSE!...but no cigar

 Now a scribe thinks it’s his turn to quiz Jesus...                                                           “Which is the first commandment of all?


He knows only too well that you can’t separate the commandments God gave Moses, will this Galilean dude answer that one? (Mark 12:28-34)

Jesus wisely recites the Sh’ma: the foundation of the Jewish faith, that all Jews know since childhood!

“Hear O Israel
(Sh’ma Yisrae’el):                                                                                     the Lord our God is one Lord                                                                                         And you shall love the Lord thy God                                                                                     with all your heart                                                                                                                       and with all your soul                                                                                                                               and with all your mind                                                                                       and all your strength”

  That’s not all Mr. Scribe, there’s a bonus for you!...

“You shall love your neighbour as yourself!”

The scribe unwittingly gives Jesus the Lord our God a big tick, only to hear....

                            “You are not far from the kingdom of God”

No wonder no-one dared ask any more

How would you rate yourself on that test?                                                    100%?

Thursday, 3 September 2020


1 bride : 7 husbands!


The Jewish leaders are desperate after their failed attempt to trip Jesus up over payment of Roman taxes.                    

Here come the Sadducees with their ridiculous poser: some woman outlives seven husbands, so whose wife is she after resurrection?...that SADDUCEES DON’T EVEN BELIEVE IN!

Is this the best they can come up with?... Mark 12:18-27                                               

Most of the Jewish aristocracy including high priests were Sadducees (Sad you sees!) so their religion was merely a ritual without faith in God of the living, the real God beyond the power of death.

Even their great patriarch Abraham believed in resurrection!...

‘He considered that God is able to raise people even from the dead, from which he also received (Isaac) back as a type’

No wonder Jesus said: “You don’t know the Scriptures or the power of God”

So, do you?

Sunday, 2 August 2020


Mark’s gospel contrasts fear with faith: here in ch12 he tells how this young man Jesus fearlessly confronts the chief priests, scribes and elders who have challenged His authority in the temple.                                                                       How? simply telling them a story, then asking one question!

The parable comes from the well-known ‘Jehovah’s vineyard’ in Isaiah 5...

“For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel and the men of Judah His pleasant plant...” 

...and Jesus ends the story with:   

“This is the heir, come, let us kill Him and the inheritance shall be ours.” 

...exactly what these leaders had been trying to do only yesterday!                       

So what was the question?...“Haven’t you read this Scripture...?”       - straight from Psalm 118:22-23

Who have they just rejected? The very ‘corner-stone’ of the true temple!

“This is the Lord’s doing and it is marvellous in our eyes”

BANG! BANG!... He gives them both barrels because it is far from marvellous in their eyes!


Saturday, 18 July 2020


This is the 3rd day that Jesus enters Jerusalem and the tension couldn’t be higher!                                                    
Two days ago He was acclaimed as Son of David, but then yesterday he upended temple trade for thousands.              
How will Jerusalem receive Him today?  (Mark 11)                                                                                                              

On the way, Peter remarks that the fig-tree has shrivelled, so Jesus answers:
“Have faith in God.”
What had they seen only yesterday?... thousands of people with faith in tradition and money.
Notice the responsibility Jesus then puts on his disciples: to forgive others.

However the chief priests, scribes and elders are not so forgiving...
“Who gave you this authority to do these things?”
The Lord who commanded the fig-tree to shrivel replies:                  
“Neither do I tell you by what authority I do these things.”
He is the temple of God.

Sunday, 28 June 2020


No, this isn’t Jesus Christ cursing the fig-tree, it’s my old frienGordon showing me his dormant tree in winter, or almost – there were 2 leaves!

IMark 11, Jesus has come past Bethpage (‘House of figs’) only to find a fruitless fig-tree – the only living thing He cursed, on His way to the city where He himself will soon be hung on a tree as a curse.                                                                  

Those disciples would know the fig-tree as a symbol of peace and prosperity, and remember that prophet Hosea spoke of the Fathers as ‘the first-ripe in the fig-tree’.  No, it was not unreasonable to expect at least one fig at that time of the year, so this was clearly a sign meant for Israel.

What will Jesus find when He reaches the city?                         Will he find prayer?... or profit?

Imagine the upheaval for thousands of visitors as He shouts:

“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations but you have made it a robber’s den!

...while birds, lambs and money scatter in all directions.

Remember Adam and Eve sowed fig leaves together for aprons?      

Well Israel as a dead fig-tree has been exposed as worse than fruitless!

Where is your interest? In prayer, or in profit?

Sunday, 7 June 2020


Just imagine for a minute...

You are a devout pilgrim or maybe just a tourist, who has travelled from afar to be at Jerusalem for this very special Passover in Jerusalem.                                                                           
Why this Passover?                                   
Jews have been counting off those 483 years elapsing since the Persian king Artaxerxes I Longimanus gave orders for Jerusalem to be rebuilt, as per Daniel’s prophecies - so their Messiah is due to show up!                                   
The city is packed and the Roman army is on high alert.

All of a sudden great excitement sweeps the comes a young man riding an unbroken donkey colt – some carpenter/prophet guy from Galilee – and they are even claiming he’s bringing the kingdom of David!  (Mark ch11)

What’s that they’re saying?... “Hosanna” we pray!  However will the Romans take that?

Having come via Bethpage (‘house of unripe figs’) and Bethany (‘house of the poor’) Jesus is now recognised and feted as King?                                        
No, He just takes a look around at the magnificent temple then walks back out to Bethany for the night.

Would you have recognised this guy as the Son of God?

NEXT... Where’s the faith?

Saturday, 16 May 2020


Looking for Jesus’ mission statement? Of the 4 gospel writers it is John Mark, once the runaway servant, who gets to share this with us...

“For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many.”  Mark 10:45

Jesus is heading for Jerusalem and people are still flocking to hear Him and have their children blessed by Him. 
What about those more responsible?
  • Pharisees are still trying to trap Him, this time over divorce (and so risking His neck with Herod, like John the Baptist)
  • Disciples have learnt nothing from Jesus over children – the victims of divorce! Instead they block children while still hoping for honour.
  • A rich man has done everything right in the sight of man and now wants eternal life. Why? He wants to keep enjoying his possessions rather than be right with Good God who is in front of him!

Yes... “with men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible”

The journey must go on. While the disciples follow afraid, the only one who gets to stop Jesus now is a blind man!

“Son of David, have mercy on me!”

Bart went his way with new eyesight?                      

No, he follows Jesus in the way – and what is Jesus’ ultimate goal?  

For the 4th time He reminds us...rising from the dead.

Saturday, 18 April 2020


We come to the climax of Jesus’ ministry in Mark 9 – this is where it changes gear as He heads for Jerusalem, avoiding any further witness in Galilee. If the Guv finds this hard going, imagine how this young man of only 33 years must have felt, deliberately leaving the glory of transfiguration and the comfort of Elijah (Prophets) and Moses (Law) to face mockery, betrayal, abuse and certain death by crucifixion as the worst of criminal.                                            
It all begins with three disciples privileged to be reminded who Jesus really is: not just a rabbi but the Son of God!                             “This is My beloved Son: hear HIM”

Let’s take an overview of this journey and some conversations along the way, from these next two chapters...

It’s now time to head down the mountain and face the real world  – faithless crowds of people running, scribes questioning, powerless disciples, a desperate father... “Help my unbelief!”...and his child typical of suffering humanity.            
This is action-packed  – everything happens straightaway – and notice what the main players are up to...
  • Satan is doing everything He can to derail Jesus’ mission – having inspired the #1 disciple Peter to rebuke the Lord, and now this child thrashes with an unclean spirit.  Can’t anyone help?
  • The disciples are too often afraid and think they can hide from the Lord what they have been arguing about: ‘who is the greatest’ if you please!

The One who really is the greatest, the lowly Son of God, has His focus on rising from the dead!                             
“...He shall rise the third day.”

It’s time for Jesus to warn against offending children (a millstone for a necklace?) and of the certainty of hell...  “...the fire that never shall be quenched”

WOAH!!   Yes, the stakes could not be higher.

Sunday, 29 March 2020


Watch closely as we come to the climax of Jesus’ ministry in Galilee – the pace is breath-taking in Mark 8!                 

Over 5000 Jews have recently been fed bountifully with just 5 fishburgers, the scraps filling 12 SMALL baskets (kophinos). 

Will Gentiles have to settle for only crumbs from the Jew’s table?  
No, this time Jesus feeds 4000 people with just 7 fishburgers, the scraps filling 7 LARGE picnic hampers! (spuris)...God’s favourite number is 7!                                  

The Pharisees want a sign from heaven? – you guys have it right there. In the face of such plentiful divine provision even the disciples miss it, fretting over their one loaf of bread and exasperating Jesus who upbraids them. 
Before heading all the way to Caesarea Philippi there is one man in Bethsaida who needs that very personal touch from Jesus to see clearly: spit in the eye!...outside the town that has rejected his ministry.                                                
There will be nothing more for Galilee.                                                                             
So who is this Servant of God, called Jesus?            
The Christ who must face death... but Satan is right there to use Peter in rebuking him!                                          
This is the first time the disciples learn this and that the Son of Man will be raised after three days.

Will you deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Him?

Sunday, 15 March 2020


The Pharisees in Capernaum are so jealous of Jesus’ authority they have been plotting how to kill Him, while the Jews in Nazareth feel offended by their local carpenter.  

What now?...(Mark 7)                                                       

Here come more Pharisees all the way from Jerusalem to fault Jesus but all they can come up with is the washing of hands!                                                            
Jesus throws their accusations right back in their faces...   
“This people honour me with their lips but their heart is far from me”.                                       
Yup, clean hands but defiled hearts.
He’s not finished with them yet and hammers it home...              
“You really reject the commandment of God that you may keep your own tradition!”
Over what??  “Honour thy father and mother”
This is not just Moses’ Law – it is the Word of God!                                                                                           
Who is this warning for? Anyone with ears – that’s everyone!

Jesus has had enough and heads off to Tyre and Sidon for a breather.                                                  
Here comes a woman to fault Jesus? No!                  
This most unlikely Gentile is so desperate for her daughter she falls at this Jew’s feet. Yes, she is just like a puppy dog begging at a Jew’s table for crumbs from the children.

Next to be blessed is a deaf man in Decapolis who has this Jew’s spit.... applied to his tongue!

This Jesus does all things well, so how desperate are you for healing from Him?

Sunday, 23 February 2020


We arrive at the climax of Jesus’ ministry to Israel in chapter 6, so let’s see how Mark presents this wonderful Man of action, even skipping meals...                                  
  • Jesus heads back to hometown Nazareth, to teach in their synagogue - again! (Last time they tried to kill Him but He has His disciples with Him this time)
  • He takes a well-earned holiday? No, He teaches in surrounding villages, while ‘the twelve’ do the same - even with the power to cast out demons! We’re playing for keeps here folks...judgment day awaits those who reject even those Jesus sends!
  • John the Baptist has met a gruesome end, thanks to Herod outwitted by his women
  • Jesus and His disciples seek retreat from the crowds, only to be swamped by hungry thousands
  • Jesus walks on water to calm a storm for His disciples, on the way to yet another healing visit

Notice what the disciples miss... Scraps from 5 fishburgers fill 12 baskets after the feeding of 5000 men, plus women and kids: 12 is the special number for Israel.

Does anyone - anyone at all - recognise the Son of God for who He is?

  • the locals in Nazareth are astonished but offended (Gk:skandalizo – tripped up!) 
  • king Herod is afraid, thinking Jesus is John risen again
  • the people desperately seek His healing hands
  • the disciples tell Jesus what to do and are amazed but hard-hearted

So Jesus gets angry? No, He marvels at unbelief but is also moved with compassion...

“Be of good is I, be not afraid”

Would you have recognised Jesus as Son of God?

Thursday, 6 February 2020


What a day that was in Mark 4!...Jesus teaching crowds from a boat, then giving private instruction before embarking on a wild trip across the lake.                                                  Guess what!...the day isn’t over yet...

Good riddance to evil spirits!
As soon as they arrive, Jesus is met by a madman running to meet the boat and getting release from those evil spirits. Jesus then sails straight back to heal a woman of her incurable bleeding disorder and raise a 12 year old girl from the dead – all in a day’s work! (Mark 5)

Telling this Man ALL the truth!
Yes, this Man is wearing Himself out graciously serving men, women and children, even the daughter of the most unlikely person – a ruler of the Jewish synagogue.  Notice the ‘utter uncleanness’, from a Jewish viewpoint, of these people Jesus heals – they are all in a desperate, hopeless position – but faith is rewarded.
  • The man was possessed by evil spirits and living in tombs of the dead 
  • The woman was totally unclean under Mosaic Law
  • The 12 year old girl was dead – utterly unclean

Notice the reactions Jesus receives...                    
The Gadarenes would rather He leave their coasts - these are the descendants of people who didn’t want to cross the River Jordan to inherit the Promised Land.  Back in His own country, Jesus is laughed to scorn.
Nevertheless the good news of Jesus is spread thru 10 towns by the man now sensible, the woman publicly declares all the truth, and the girl is an undeniable silent witness to the Jewish synagogue. 

What about you?                                                                                                 
“Go home to your friends and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you and how He has had compassion on you